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Fast Rabbits Fall Cross Country Club

Tue August 23 - Thu November 3 LEWIS CENTER, OH 43035 US

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Let us help your children discover a love for running!

  • Only one in three children are physically active every day.
  • Less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day; only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week.

Fleet Feet is here to buck the trend, and have a whole lot of fun along the way! The Fast Rabbits Youth Running Club offers participants the opportunity to participate in regular physical activity and to learn about healthy lifestyle behaviors.

The focus of the club is to introduce participants to different types of running/training (i.e. road running, trail running, track workouts and circuit training), as well as fun activities.  The program also has a heavy focus on form running with the use of a modified version of the Mach form running drill series. 

The Fast Rabbits Youth Run Club is a ten-week program offered in Spring, Summer and Fall, which includes daily plans for 60 minutes of physical activity (i.e. running drills, dynamic warm-up, running, games, and post workout stretching) to be implemented each week. Runners will learn about and experience hands-on activities relating to different areas of running and a healthier lifestyle.

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