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Sun June 22, 2025 Ephrata, PA 17522 US Directions



Events: Para/Adaptive Sprint Triathlon Para/Adaptive Sprint Duathlon Para/Adaptive Sprint Aquabike Para/Adaptive Super Sprint Triathlon Para/Adaptive Super Sprint Duathlon


$75 - $175
Events: Sprint Triathlon Sprint Triathlon Relay Team Super Sprint Triathlon


$75 - $110
Events: Sprint Duathlon Super Sprint Duathlon


Events: Sprint Aquabike
100 yard swim - 1 mile run!

Youth Splash and Dash

$35 Price increases after April 30, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT


300 Cocalico St
Ephrata, PA US 17522


Got the Nerve? Triathlon -  New Date & New Location!

Sunday, June 22, 2025  |  Ephrata, PA

IM ABLE has been hard at work ensuring that the Got the Nerve? Triathlon aligns with our mission— removing obstacles that prevent people with disabilities from being physically active by providing grants and fitness opportunities.


As part of this commitment, we’ve made the difficult but necessary decision to move the race from Mt. Gretna to Ephrata, PA. We are incredibly grateful to the Mt. Gretna community for supporting this event for the past 20 years, helping us build a legacy of competition, camaraderie, and achievement for athletes of all abilities.


After extensive scouting and careful consideration, we have identified Ephrata, PA as the ideal location to better serve our growing community of adaptive athletes.

Why the Change? Read about it here.


Races & Distances

  • Triathlon
    • Sprint – Swim: 300 yds | Bike: 11 miles | Run: 5K
    • Super Sprint* – Swim 150 yds | Bike: 5 miles | Run 1 mile
    • Sprint Relay – Swim: 300 yds | Bike: 11 miles | Run: 5K
  • Duathlon
    • Sprint – Run 1 mile | Bike 11 miles | Run 5K
    • Super Sprint* – Run .5 mile | Bike 5 miles | Run 1 mile
  • Aquabike
    • Sprint – Swim 300 yds | Bike 11 miles 
  • Youth Splash & Dash
    •  Swim 100 yds | Run 1 mile

What's Included?

  • Race T-shirt
  • Post-race Breakfast


Want to race with friends? We have 2 options: 

  • Sprint Triathlon Relay Teams (competitive) -
    • Relay teams are for 2 or 3 individuals who want to compete in the sprint triathlon. 
    • Awards will be given for 1st place teams in male, female, co-ed, and adaptive divisions.
      • Adaptive teams must include at least 1 adaptive athlete. 
  • Social Teams (non-competitive) - 
    • This option is for groups of 3 or more who want to create a "team" with friends, family, co-workers, etc. 
    • Social teams of 5 or more get $5 discount off each race registration! Maximum of 15 people per team.
    • Team participants can choose whichever race they want.

Adaptive Athletes

  • Thanks to the generous support of IM ABLE donors and sponsors, adaptive athletes race for FREE!

Note adaptive athletes will still need to pay the required USAT one-day member fee which ranges from $6 for a relay team member to $14 for an individual. 

  • There are 2 race divisions for individuals with disabilities:
    • Paratriathlete:
      • The paratriathlete classification process determines who is eligible to compete in a Paralympic sport and it groups the eligible athletes in sport classes according to their activity limitation in a certain sport.
      • These categories are for athletes that have a physical disability and wish to be eligible in a Paralympic sport. Select the link above for more  the classifications.
    • Adaptive:
      • For athletes that are not able to be classified into Paratriathlon competition categories or choose not to do so.
      • It is also open to athletes who choose not to race according to USA Triathlon or World Triathlon Paratriathlon rules, for example by choosing different equipment or racing with a guide of a different gender. Select the link above for more information about the adaptive categories. 
  • USAT Paratriathlon Pre-Race Clinic
    • USAT-certified coaches, Laura Henry and Jackie Miller, will conduct a pre-race clinic for paratriathlon participants on Saturday and race-day support. This clinic will help all paratriathletes feel more comfortable and race ready for an overall great experience!
  • Need a Guide or Buddy?
    • We have amazing volunteers who would be happy to swim, bike, and/or run with you! Volunteers will also help you to get in and out of the pool, help you transition from the pool to your bike, and whatever else you need. Please contact Becky Rennix at for more information. 

We appreciate your understanding and support as we take this important step to expand access, increase participation, and create an even better experience for all athletes. We can’t wait to see you in Ephrata!


IM ABLE Foundation

We remove obstacles that keep people with challenges on the sidelines, providing them access to programs and equipment tailored to their needs and a community of all abilities to support them. 

We get out in the community and show people of all abilities the potential to lead an active lifestyle. Disabled and able-bodied, we all have challenges but it is the goal of the IM ABLE Foundation to demonstrate that your ability doesn’t have to be a limiting factor. Founder Chris Kaag does speaking engagements to show that regardless of his wheelchair he maintains an active and fulfilling life. Handcycling, working out, and kayaking are all examples of how he is doing what he promotes…getting up and moving. 

  • Adaptive Equipment Grants - Being adaptive is expensive! Handcycles, mono skis, and basketball wheelchairs range from $3,000 - $10,000+. Since 2007, IM ABLE has granted more than 100 pieces of adaptive fitness equipment to individuals with disabilities. 

  • Fitness Programs & Services - IM ABLE provides a variety of exercise and recreational programs and services to individuals with physical, cognitive, and behavioral challenges. 

  • Inclusive Events - IM ABLE hosts inclusive races and community events throughout the year. 

Grant Recipients

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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