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Run for Our Youth 5k

Sat June 3, 2017 Tyrone, PA 16686 US Directions


5k Run/Walk

8:30AM EDT


926 Logan Ave
Tyrone, PA US 16686


Race Day registration begins at 7:30 AM on 6/3/17 at the Armory (926 Logan Ave Tyrone, PA 16686)

Online registration closes at noon on Wednesday, May 31st.  Day of Registration is $30.

The 5k will begin at the Joshua House Armory at 8:30 AM.  The Kids Dash will begin at the conclusion of the 5k race (at approximately 9:30 AM) and is for kids in elementary school or younger.

Shirts are guaranteed to participants who register by May 21st.


Run For Our Youth Race proceeds go towards youth development with a focus on our Youth Running Club.
The Joshua House Youth Running Club (JHYRC) is a twice-weekly after-school program to train young runners to run a
5K. The program is open to boys and girls of all running abilities in 1st-8th grades. Our motto is "Run YOUR race!"
which emphasizes the fact that God has a specific plan and purpose unique to each of our runners. We also teach our runners to set and achieve realistic goals, which boosts their confidence and helps them become successful on the race course, but more importantly, in life.

Through this race, you can make an impact in the following ways:

  1. Inspire our youth runners by running the race and encouraging them along the way.

  2. Run the race as a "Running Buddy"* with one of our youth runners.

  3. Donate towards our programs for these youth runners.

  4. If you're not a runner, come cheer on the youth runners as they run their race!

*To be an official "Running Buddy" for one of our youth runners, please contact Mizpah Glenny at


Trophies will be given to the top overall male and female finishers in the 5k.

Medals will be given to the top 3 male & female finishers of the 5k in each of the following age categories: 

8 & under, 9 -11, 12-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60 & over 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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