Craft and Draft
Columbia, SC US 29205
In 2021, The Big Run is making it's 5th appearance and this time, Fleet Feet is partnering to raise funds for Epworth Children's Home located in downtown Columbia. This year we will be doing a fun run with all proceeds and donations all go to Epworth. And since this is Fleet Feet, and we celebrate and welcome runners of all abilities and levels.
Run location will be held at Craft and Draft on Devine St in Columbia!
We have three tier options for The Big Run! The first option will simply be for the run to cover basic costs plus leftovers to go to Epworth. For the second option we have the run and a unique pint glass. Lastly, there is an option to include the run, a pint glass, AND. t-shirt! Sign up for whichever you would like, the main point of this is to join to celebrate our love for running and support our local children! Please remember since this is a fun run, we will not be holding an awards ceremony or have medals - the purpose of the run is to gather together as runners and have fun supporting our community.
See you on June 2!
Race Contact Info
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