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CHRC Covid 19k- Virtual Run- Together Apart! 6/3/2020

Fri May 15 - Wed June 3 Cedar Hill, TX 75104 US


You pick
Cedar Hill, TX US 75104


Hi RUN Family!


We are less than 19 days away from Global/ National Running Day! That being said, it looks doubtful we will all be able to run together as a large group that day.  However, I would love our club to join in and run a Covid 19k virtual run Together...Apart!
That's ONLY 11.806 in MILES for those that are wondering.  
What does that mean?
* You can either run or run/walk  all the miles at once or in multiple sessions and add them up.
* Plus, you'll earn bragging rights to a cool customized CHRC shirt with logo above when you do!
* Cost is $15 and last day to register for your shirt size is 5/26/2020
* Miles must be complete by 6/3/2020. 
You can post your results on the CHRC page and make sure to tag Mary Moore when you do!  You can also email your results to
Shirts to be mailed or distributed the first week or two in June. 

*Random Prize drawings to be raffled away ! :)

#Yourpace #YourPlace #CHRCTogetherApart 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

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