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HomeRUN 5k & Derby

March 2025 Catharpin, VA 20143 US Directions


5K Run

9:00AM EST

Homerun Derby

10:30AM EST



12500 Kyle Wilson Way
Catharpin, VA US 20143


Join us for our 1st Annual 5K & Homerun Derby at Catharpin Recreational Park!

Something for everyone - walkers, runners, and everything in between. This event will benefit our Stars Baseball 12u spring season as well as help to promote our team's Wreath's Across America sponsorship page which benefits the wreath laying ceremony at Culpeper National Cemetery in December.


Families are encouraged to come out and participate in either the 5K, Homerun Derby, or both! Registrants will also have the opportunity to add a t-shirt for an additional cost when registering.


Schedule of Events: 

  • 8:00 AM - Pick-up race bibs & t-shirt (if purchased in advance); race-day registration will also be available
  • 9:00 AM - 5K starts
  • 10:30 AM - Homerun Derby starts

Awards & Recognition:

  • 5K - 1st place medals will be awarded to the fastest times of Male and Female participants 16 years and older. In addition, 1st place medals will be awarded to the fastest times of Male and Female participants 15 years and younger. 
  • Homerun Derby - 1st place medals will be awarded to the most homeruns hit in each age bracket. 


Homerun Derby: Age brackets include 8, 9-10, and 11-12. Your age will be based on the age as of the day of the event. Each participant must provide their own helmet, bat, and pitcher. Each participant will receive 1 minute to hit as many homeruns as possible. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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