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TCRR's January Quarantine Challenge

Mon January 4 - Sun January 31 Petersburg, VA 23805 US Directions


HIIT Details Provided
Silly or Serious


Back to the good old tried and true distance


Easy distance to work into your schedule
If you REALLY don't want to run....
For the crazy at heart!!


Petersburg, VA US 23805


Okay y' looks like we're going to have another month where we have to motivate ourselves to keep moving to stay healthy and sane, so TCRR is here to help!

Again this month we'll have 7 regular challenges ....a HIIT workout (including core work and sprints), a 1 mile run, a 5k (silly or serious), a 10k, a half-marathon, a 25 mile bike ride, and a duathlon - 1 mile run + 12.5 mile bike + 5k.  You can choose to participate in any one event, or all 7!  They're virtual, of course, so you can do them at any time and then upload your results to the website.  Again this month you only need to sign up 1 time for each challenge, and then you will log activity against that challenge. 

Award levels will be determined by points.  You can do any activity any number of times over the course of the month, and you will get points for each activity that you log. 

Bronze = 20 points, Silver = 21-40, Gold =41+ (for the month)

Here's the breakdown:
HIIT Workout - 1 point (unless you are injured or under the age of 16)
1 Mile Run/Walk - 1 point (unless you are injured or under the age of 16). 
5K - 2 points
10K - 4 points
25 mile bike ride - 4 points
Half Marathon - 6 points
Duathlon - 6 points

You can also join our Facebook group at if you want to get and give motivation to other TCRR participants!  These events are free for TCRR members, and $5 each for non-TCRR members.

So let's all get moving and stay healthy!

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