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The second annual Wellness Challenge presented by the Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association and the University of Wisconsin - Madison Doctor of Physical Therapy Program.

The goal: Walk/Run or Bike 31 miles (or more) in 31 days, while raising $31 (or more)! 

Note, you do not need to raise funds/donate to participate in the activity challenge!  Our main mission is to inspire movement.  Fundraising is encouraged, but not required.

  • Merging the aspects of October being National Physical Therapy Month and PT Day of Service on October 10th, we invite you to join the Wellness Challenge to get yourself and others active, while also promoting donations to benefit the cause of Move Together.
  • All proceeds will fund Move Together, the fundraising arm of PT Day of Service.  This organization works to expand access to rehabilitation services and initiating pro bono clinic in under-served areas.  Proceeds include the registration fee and all donations collected during the Challenge. 
  • This challenge can be completed at one time, shared among teammates, or spread out over all 31 days of October.  Share your progress by tagging @WPTAssociation and/or @DPTSO_UWMadison on social media and using #PTDOS and #PTWellnessChallenge  
  • Any and all individuals are welcome to join a team or participate individually.  Please feel free to invite fellow clinicians, faculty, students, family members, and community members.
  • Looking for a bigger challenge?  Consider the goal of 100 miles and $100 of donations in October to celebrate the Centennial year of the APTA!

The Challenge will finish on October 31st.  Teams and individuals with the most miles completed and those with the most funds raised will receive a prize.  Note, you must reach the fundraising goal of $31 per team member/individual to qualify for the prizes.  More information to come on this, stay tuned!

Challenge Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Challenge, click the button below.

Challenge Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your challenge experience.

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