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Sat June 3, 2017 Galena, KS 66739 US Directions


Pickaxe 3 Mile

8:00AM CDT - 11:00AM CDT

Pickaxe 9k

8:00AM CDT - 11:00AM CDT

Pickaxe 3 Mile Virtual Race

8:00AM CDT - 11:00AM CDT

Pickaxe 9k Virtual Race

8:00AM CDT - 11:00AM CDT


702 E 7th St
Galena, KS US 66739


Race date June 3, 2017

Race time   8 A.M.

Race Location: Galena High School

Packet Pick Up: Friday at Galena firehouse during business hours.  301 W. 7th Street

Race distance 3 mile and 9K and a kids 1/2 mile fun run

Age group
                     13 and under

                      14 to 19

                      20 to 29

                      30 to 39

                      40 to 49

                      50 to 59

                      60 +

Shirts and finishers metals if signed up by May 26, 2017. No guarantee for shirt/medal after the 26th.

Place awards given with 1st place all age groups earning free entry to next years race

Entry fee 3 Mile
                $20 until April 19th

                $25 April 16th to May 20th

                $30 May 21st to June 2nd

                No race day signups

Entry fee 3 Mile
                $25 until April 19th

                $30 April 16th to May 20th

                $35 May 21st to June 2nd

                No race day signups

Virtual Race: 30 dollars



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