Kansas City, KS US 66112
Packet Pick up
June 16, 2017 from 6-7:30 p.m. at Providence YMCA 8601 Parallel Pkwy, Kansas City, KS 66112
You may also pick up the morning of the event.
The race starts at 8 a.m.
Entry Fee
$23 through June 11
$25 June 12 through Race Day
The last thing anyone wants to discuss is the passing of their child. However it is a must, we do this to spread awareness of this awful l disease that took my 7 year old from us in a matter of 13 hours. One moment Erek was complaining of a headache and tummy ache and the next morning he was gone, taken with no warning…. No mother should ever have to feel that pain. Now you can prevent your children from this awful killing disease meningitis shots are now available for infants, PLEASE ask your pediatrician for information! It is a 30 second conversation for in exchange for the life of your child!
Erek’s Run started out benefiting a meningitis association, throughout the years we have awarded Scholar Ships for Students at KCKCC, as well as Math Department for USD 500. As we strive to give back to our community who helps us honor the memory of our son, we try to do our part in helping out, we are a small run, so we are not able give as much as other organizations, but we do what we can.
In the past we have managed to help a fire fighter and his family with a sick baby boy; this year we are happy and humbled to be able to honor yet another fire fighter by giving half of the proceeds from this year’s run to James P. Sparks (Sparky) and his 12 year old daughter Sophia. Sparky has served the KCKFD for 17 years; he has been tragically diagnosed with ALS. We want him and his 12 year old daughter to feel the love and support from the community, from all those whom he has given endlessly hours, sleepless nights, risking his life, not asking for anything in return. We will be honoring him the morning of the run. You can honor him by registering for the run, walking, or making a donation online. If you like to take part in the ALS ice cold bucket challenge the morning of please mark it on your form. There is no extra cost, you just get the pleasure of dumping ice cold water in honor of this hero. Thank you in advance for your continued support!!
Erek’s Mom
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.