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The Greatest Ride (Draft)

Fri June 4 - Sun June 13 Any City - Any State, KY 40202 US Directions
This Race is in Draft Mode


Anywhere You Choose!
Any City - Any State, KY US 40202


** All proceeds benefit the Muhammad Ali Center, a 501(c)(3) museum and education center located in Louisville, Kentucky ** 

Riders of all abilities :: Join us, wherever you are, for “The Greatest Ride” during the annual Ali Festival! Explore a nearby park, your local neighborhood, or even complete an indoor cycle in honor of The Greatest. Recommended distance: 12 miles

Here’s how it works: 
1. Register online for the virtual ride 
2. Anytime during June 3-13, 2021, report your miles through any app (Strava, Map My Ride, etc.) 
3. Share your ride with us on social media using #AliWeek

For more virtual Ali Festival events, visit

Why a Bike Ride? 
Muhammad Ali’s storied boxing career began with a stolen red bike. When Muhammad—then Cassius Marcellus Clay—was twelve years old, a thief stole his new red Schwinn bicycle outside of the annual Louisville Home Show. Clay, in tears, found a policeman to report the crime to and stated that he wanted to “whup” the thief who stole his bike.

Serendipitously, the policeman was Sergeant Joe Martin, who trained boxers. He encouraged Clay to learn how to fight before looking for retaliation. Martin’s gym was in the basement of the same building they were standing in. Clay showed up the next day to start training and he spent the next six years under Martin.

Had young Cassius not been the victim of a stolen bicycle AND had he not taken the advice of the police officer, his life would certainly have taken a different path. Cassius Clay’s stolen bike became a catalyst for his boxing career and illustrates by example how Cassius found his purpose in life at an early age.

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