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Brave Like Blake 5K

Sun October 3, 2021 Burlington, KY 41005 US Directions


Brave Like Blake 5K

10:00AM EDT - 2:00PM EDT


5550 Idlewild Rd
Burlington, KY US 41005


Join us on October 3rd, 2021 at 10:00am at England-Idlewild Park to walk for Blake! All proceeds will go towards Blake’s travel expenses to meet his service dog. After the race join us for an after party including a cookout, games and a silent auction! This will be a “fun run/walk” as there will be a mapped course but will not be timed. Our goal is for everyone to have fun, finish the walk and support Blake in this life changing adventure. We can’t wait to see you all at the starting line!

Each paid registration will include a race t-shirt!

Thank you for your support of Blake and his soon to be best friend 🐕‍🦺

Race Contact Info

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