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Stroll'n For The Colon 5K

Sun November 14, 2021 Burlington, KY 41005 US Directions



Idlewild Park
5550 Idlewild Rd
Burlington, KY US 41005


We are very excited to host our 1st annual Stroll'n For The Colon 5K!


Our Mission

To bring awareness to our community about the importance of screening and early detection. To educate our community about resources and  screening programs available. And to instill hope in those effected by Colon Cancer. 


Our Goal

 All monies raised will be used to help our region and assist Kentuckians with necessary access to resources for colon cancer screenings in partnership with KY Cancer Program . We have set a fundraising goal of $5000! 


Race Day Details

Arrive Early to enjoy our pre-race events and vendors! 

  • Registration Packet pick up will begin at 1:00pm on the day of the race
  • Race starts at 3:00pm , we will begin with Runners, followed by our Walkers 
  • Free Swag Bags to the first 250 registrants! 
  • Free T-Shirt for those registered by October 29th
  • Food and Drink Vendors on site 
  • Pre-race Group stretching with Crunch Fitness 
  • Q-102 Radio Station on site from 1:00pm-3:00pm giving away goodies, playing jams and giving good vibes  




Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




Valued Sponsors


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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