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Downtown Dash 5K

Sat March 31, 2012 Cadiz, KY 42211 US Directions


5K Run

8:00AM CDT


Lafayette & Lincoln Street
Cadiz, KY US 42211


Out and back race course takes runners & walkers along Lafayette Street in Cadiz, KY. The event starts on Lafayette Street behind Trigg County Schools. It then follows a route out and back Lafayette Street. Race starts promptly at 8 am.

The award ceremony, numerous door prizes, water & cookies will be offered after the finish. Seiko timing equipment should expedite the awards data.

The Downtown Dash benefits Trigg County High School DECA (Marketing) students.  Proceeds will help to send qualifying students to International Competiton in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Students must place in the top 3 in their division at the State level in order to qualify.

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