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Sat April 10, 2021 Elizabethtown, KY 42701 US Directions



1704 N Dixie Avenue
Elizabethtown, KY US 42701



🐰 👟 Bunny Runners: The weather can’t rain on our Bunny Run parade! All systems are still GO but please meet at Towne Mall stage between 8:30-9:00am. Those who registered online by 3/26 will pick up their tshirts by last name. Inside those bags will also be your Covid-19 waivers. Those who registered online after 3/26 and those who are paying $15 cash in person per child will also meet at the stage tables to sign Covid-19 waivers and get stamped. Only children with stamps on their hands get eggs. We have 300 activity books to pass out though! There will be 10 egg collection tables, still a DJ and BGMS cheerleaders warming you up at the stage and of course, the Easter Bunny! We do ask that you walk opposed to run in the mall. See you so soon!! 🐰 👟

This run is for children ages 2-14 to collect eggs handed out by the Bluegrass Middle School Cheerleaders, Impact 10u Fastpitch softball players, their coaches and families. After the $2 runsignup fee, sales tax, and egg cost the two teams will split the profit for competition fees. Those handing out pre-filled eggs will be wearing a mask and gloves. EVERYONE must be masked, adhere to social distancing, fill in questionnaire, and sign waiver. 

The cheerleaders and Easter Bunny will warm up the kiddos with our DJ before the run begins! The kids may walk or be strolled along! 

Only those registered pay the fee and collect eggs! Accompanying family members are free and welcome!





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