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Women's Running Retreat

Sun July 25 - Tue August 3 Lexington, KY 40514 US Directions


3872 winthrop drive
Lexington, KY US 40514


We're so excited to host our Women's Running Retreat with virtual and in person events (in our Kentucky regions)! 

We will offer zoom yoga, cross training, daily accountability, group runs and more! 

This time we've added a 24 hour mileage challenge!!!!! Run 'til it's done - the proceeds will benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! You must be registered for the retreat to participate and we will have meetups throughout our region to complete this challenge. You can add on this challenge during the check out process and it includes a women's tank top! 

24 hour challenge meetups will be held from July 30 - August 1! 


Retreat Virtual Events Sample Schedule: (subject to change) 
7/25- 8pm - kick off for the week - zoom 
7/26- 6am Yoga Zoom 
7/27 - 5am - Cross training Zoom
7/28- 5am - Cross Training Zoom 
7/29 - 6am - Yoga Zoom 
7/30 - 6am Yoga Zoom 
24 hour challenge add on begins 
8/1 - 8pm - Stretch zoom 
8/2- 7pm - Yoga zoom 
8/3- 5am Cross Training Zoom 

** Links will be provided in our private facebook group. You can jump into as many events as you want to!** Group runs will be posted in our group, for the safety of all members.** 

The Women's Running Retreat is hosted by the Leadership team of The Running Wife Club. We've got members all over the country: hitting the mileage at all levels and staying accountable with one another. 

Race Contact Info

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