334 Lebanon Street
Wingo, KY US 42088
Organized by Graves County High School Beta Club this 5K and Slacker 0.5K will help raise money for a local family to adopt a child. Their story is below.
Like any young couple, my husband and I always imagined the family we would have one day. Even long before we were married, we talked about wanting a big family. Not long after we married, we began trying to start a family of our own. After a year of no success, we decided it was time to seek medical advice. Thankfully, we were able to find the cause of our infertility relatively quickly.
While we contemplated possible fertility treatments and options, we just kept coming back to the idea of adoption. We could endure years of doctors appointments, tests, injections, and medications etc. or we could open our homes to the children in this world that need our love. The more we prayed about it and talked together, we decided to step out on faith. At that point we knew that God had a different plan than we had in mind for starting our own family.
We contacted a local foster care agency to get a little more information and see what the process was like. About 8 weeks later, we were certified foster parents. 3 days after completing our certification we get a call needing placement for a sibling group of 4! Our party of 2 turned into a party of 6 before we realize what was happening! Next thing I know, we had to get a minivan because we couldn’t all fit in one car. I also ending up leaving my full time job to become a bus driver. Between school, church, extra ciricular activities, visits with bio parents, therapy, court dates, doctors appoiontments, etc. I just couldn’t continue to work 50 hours a week and still give the kids the time and attention that they need. We had to make sacrifices that we had never dreamed of!
After almost a year of fostering the same sibling group, we had started giving up on the idea of a baby. We thought that we would be content with adopting older children. Then God sent us a friendly reminder. We were asked to keep an 18 month old for spring break while his foster family went on vacation. We thought “Sure, we can keep him for a week… no big deal!” We couldn’t have been more wrong.
My husband and I never dreamed that in 9 short days we could fall so in love with such a little human being. That baby boy was wrapped around our fingers. Our hearts have never hurt a much as they did the day we had to take him to day care and say goodbye. We sat together and just cried. It felt like we were grieving the loss of someone but they were still alive.
After a few days, we knew that God had sent us this boy for that little bit of time to remind us that we want a baby. We want to have a child that will only know us as Mom and Dad. A baby that we can raise from birth and love forever. A baby that no one can take away from us. We will still continue to foster. If its Gods Will, we hope to adopt from foster care also. We still want a big family! But the reality is that if we want a baby, a private adoption is out best hope. Unfortunately, private adoption is extremely expensive. We are working to do all we can to save but it will take us years to save up enough to do it alone.
With that being said, we are humbly asking for help within our community. I’ve heard many times that it takes a village to raise a child. In our case, its going to take a village to bring that child home. We hope that you will become part of our village.
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