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Go Run Gremlins

Sun September 15 - Tue December 31 everywhere, KY 40509 US Directions


GizmoGoGo 5k

4:00AM EDT - 11:59PM EST

StripeShuffle 10k

4:00AM EDT - 11:59PM EST

Both GizmoGoGo 5k & Stripe Shuffle 10k

4:00AM EDT - 11:59PM EST


everywhere, KY US 40509


The Gremlin Run will have two different medals and the event will be raising money for research for Raynaud's Disease.  Start date is 9/15/2013!!

The GizmoGoGo 5k and the StripeShuffle 10k.

The GizmoGoGo 5k is $25.00 and the StripeShuffle 10k is $25.00... OR you can register for both at the same time for a discounted registration price of $40.

Medal designs are not offical yet, but I'll update as soon as I get them finalized! and medals will be shipped as soon as I receive them :)!!!!!!!!!


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