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"Running for the HEART" VIRTUAL 5K Run/Walk

Fri October 15 - Mon October 18 New Orleans, LA 70124 US Directions


141 Robert E. Lee Blvd.
New Orleans, LA US 70124



REGISTER TODAY! Join Heart N Hands “Running for the HEART” VIRTUAL 5K Run/Walk!!!  Friday, October 15 - 17, 2021

Heart N Hands wants you to get active this Fall by loving your heart. This is a great time to get out, enjoy the beautiful weather and show your heart some love.  

Running for the HEART 5K Run/Walk is all about loving your heart & staying fit during this time to create heart healthy habits for life.

Let's come together again as a virtual community to get our hearts pumping, support Heart N Hands, share with our communities and HAVE FUN!!!!

5K Registration Includes:

5K T-Shirt
Run/Walk 5K Race Bib
Heart N Hands Signature Swag & Finisher Prizes


♥️Register for "Running for the HEART" VIRTUAL Run/Walk 5K
♥️Complete the 5K (3.1 miles) run/walk on October 15-17, 2021 (Observing COVID-19 requirements in your area)
♥️Post your 5K pictures, videos and stories on our social media pages tagging #heartnhands #runningfortheheart
♥️Celebrate your success & accomplishment of how you love for your heart while preventing heart disease 

Heart N Hands Mission is to raise awareness and educate girls aged 10-18 about heart health and heart disease prevention. Join the fight against the no. 1 killer of women - heart disease. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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