On Your Mark, Get Set, Iko Iko!
Mardi Gras may not roll in 2021, but it will run! Join us for the Inaugural Allstate Sugar Bowl Mardi Gras Parade-athon Virtual Challenge to celebrate our favorite season.
The Parade-athon can be completed ANYWHERE ... RUN/WALK IN YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD or USE OUR PARADE ROUTES! As you enter your miles, you will virtually complete six traditional parade routes in the Greater NOLA area for total of 26.2 miles. After each virtual route is completed, you will receive an email with Mardi Gras fun facts! Each virtual route is 3-5 miles long ...keep going until you have completed the entire 26.2 miles!
How It Works:
Step 1: Register and invite your friends to the challenge of the Mardi Gras season!
Step 2: Participants will complete 6 virtual parade routes!
Step 3: Complete all 6 virtual parade routes and receive your Mardi Gras Parade-athon gear. Throw me something Mister!
What do you get?
All participants will receive:
- Mardi Gras Parade-athon long sleeve T-shirt. Your choice of either round-neck Men's/Unisex or v-neck Women's sizing.
- Exclusive Mardi Gras Parade-athon Finisher's Medallion
- Mardi Gras Parade-athon Virtual Bib
How do you get it?
SHIPPING OPTION: Participants can choose to have their packets shipped during registration for a cost of $10 for shipping and handling. Packets will be mailed after registration has closed.
LOCAL PICK-UP OPTION: Local participants will have packet pick-up on Saturday 3/6/21 from 9am to 11am at the CCC office located at 320 Metairie Hammond Hwy. Our building is located in Bucktown near R&O's Restaurant and has a bead dog in the front. You will enter the first-floor parking garage located on Seminole Ave. Drive through the garage/around the horseshoe and your packet will be given to you through the passenger side window to maintain social distancing.
Virtual Parade Routes
The Mardi Gras Parade-athon can be completed ANYWHERE ... RUN/WALK IN YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD or USE OUR PARADE ROUTES! Complete your virtual challenge of 26.2 miles by walking, jogging, or running six different parade routes! You have from 2/5/21 until 3/31/21 to complete the 26.2 virtual miles and input your results on the RunSign Up website.
1. The French Quarter Route
2. The Metairie Route
3. The Mid City Route
4. The Northshore Route
5. The Uptown Route
6. The "Fat Tuesday" Route
View Parade Maps!
All donations and part of every registration goes to our charity - Makin' Groceries with Meals for Musicians.
Makin’ Groceries provides weekly, home-delivered care packages containing fresh groceries, healthy prepared meals, and lagniappe to a group of 100+ elderly and immunocompromised musicians, culture bearers and their families to show gratitude and admiration for the profound influence they had on our local culture.
The initiative directly addresses the food insecurity needs of an elderly and medically vulnerable segment of the local cultural community, which includes musicians, Mardi Gras Indians, social aid and pleasure club members, visual artists, and dancers, among others.
Gather Your Krewe!
Get 5 friends to sign up using your unique referral link and you will receive a $5 REFUND!
Get 10 friends to sign up using your unique referral link and you will receive a $10 REFUND!
Get 20 friends to sign up using your unique referral link and you will receive a $50 REFUND!
All you need to do is share your unique referral link through email, social media, or text! Remind your friends to use your link when registering to score your rewards!