Deferral Info
Although we look forward to seeing you at our events, we understand certain things may come up that prevent you from attending. Please make note of our deferral and refund policies:
Check out our website for 2022 Leadville Race Series Deferral Policies and Details here!
*Deferred registrations must re-register during the early registration window. If the event fills when general public registration opens, prior to a deferred athlete registering, the athlete forfeits their deferred slot.
How do I defer?
The defer option can be found by logging on to RunSignUp, navigating to your Profile > Upcoming Events > Manage Registration > Defer Registration.
What if you, the Leadville Race Series, has to cancel the event?
If we have to cancel due to a series of reasons, including pandemic, natural disaster, etc. we will allow athletes to choose one of the two following options.
Athlete Option 1: Deferral
Complimentary, guaranteed entry into the following year’s event
Athlete Option 2: Refund
*The fee refunded will be determined by how many days out from the event there are.
90+ days out – 70% refund
60-89 days out – 50% refund
30-59 days out – 40% refund
*Important note if the Leadville Race Series HAS to cancel the event:
There are NO refunds on service fees, merchandise or donations. No refunds over 365 day since registering. Deferrals are only good for the following year, in the same event.