Superhero Kids!
Our Superhero Kids!
The Live Like JoJo Foundation, founded by Monica and Jon Cline, Jojo's parents, serves local children with chronic healthcare challenges. Over the last four years, over 600 children and their families have been directly impacted by the generosity of the Live Like JoJo community, our Ohana.
Meet our Superhero Kids Class of 2024 on Sunday, October 20, 2024!
Follow us on Instagram as we feature each Superhero Kid ahead of the Walk! We are beyond delighted to have numerous Superhero Alumni from the Classes of 2021, 2022, and 2023 participate once again in all the magic that is the Live Like Jojo Walk - where we truly are making moments count!
Who are our Superhero Kids?
What makes a superhero in our eyes? Wielding hammers, invincible “spider” webs, grand illusions, or hulk-like strength? Of course!
These are the superheroes that dazzle us through our TV screens…but they are nowhere found in reality. Who are the superheroes who actually get up every morning, inspire us, and overcome impossible odds every day? We are privileged to know just a few of these brave little fighters. Whether it be Diego or Samson, Jackson or Jaxlee, Abraham or Ollie, Colton or Carter; these superheroes have superhuman courage and strength we can only aspire to have!
These superhero kids are among us, they challenge villains of needles and pumps and procedures every day. They must rise above medications that slay them and diagnoses that try to confine them. They are forced to emulate and perform against systems that do not understand them or value their uniqueness. They must reach deep within themselves to muster the strength against hopelessness and defeat. They walk tightropes of risky surgeries, controversial medications, and alternative treatments. They battle vision, hearing, sensory, cognitive, physical, and systemic assaults daily. And when the assailant has finally seemed to overcome them, these INCREDIBLE superhero kids show us what they are made of, and with tear-streaked faces, we as onlookers, are jumping up and down, arms wild in the air, screaming, “She did it!”, “He did it!”, “They did it!”, “We did it!”
Be a part of something special, something you’ll never forget! Join us for the 2024 Live Like JoJo Walk, where some of our Superhero Kids we serve will be our Live Like JoJo Walk VIP guests!