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Participant Guidlines

Official Rules and Guidelines for the Guinness World Record attempt for the “Largest Parade of Ford vehicles”
It is VERY important that ALL registered participants follow these directions to the letter. Failure to do so will result in our World Record attempt failing!! We remind everyone to have Patience as we are staging and getting everything ready for the World Record Attempt!!
PLEASE do not be the person that caused our attempt to fail!!!
DO NOT exit your vehicle for any reason once the Parade attempt begins!! You are not to exit your vehicle for ANY REASON including taking pictures!
Once you enter the “Parade Route” you must continue moving. DO NOT stop for any reason. If the vehicle in front of you has mechanical issues move around it and close the gap and continue. DO NOT stop to help! Please try to maintain a 5 to 10 MPH speed during the parade
If your vehicle has mechanical issues pull off to the side as best you can so that those behind you can continue the parade.
Stay in a SINGLE FILE line. DO NOT pull out of line to take pics or videos. You must remain moving in a single file line throughout the entire “parade route”.
You MUST remain within 2 car lengths of the vehicle in front of you. There can be NO significance gaps in the “parade”.
Once you exit the “Parade route” DO NOT stop but continue to follow the directions of any Somernites Cruise team members or Law Enforcement officials. They will direct you how to leave the parade route. If you stop then those behind you will have to stop thus causing us to fail in our attempt.
Tune your radio to Somerset 106.FM or WTLO 1480AM radio stations for instructions. They are our Official radio stations and will be helping with this attempt. They will broadcast all instructions or any last minute revisions if needed.
Follow the directions of our Somernites Cruise team members at all times. We will not have time to answer questions once the “parade” begins so if you have any questions please ask them in advance.
Follow the map included to the staging area and how to return to Somerset after the parade attempt.
Continue listening to Somerset 106.1FM or WTLO 1480AM after the attempt is complete. We will announce the success or failure “live” once we are done.
THANK YOU for your participation, cooperation and patience in this attempt!!! We couldn’t break it without you!!!

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