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BE your FASTest Virtual 5K

Mon November 25 - Sun April 5


A charity event to spread stroke awareness.


Welcome the 1st running of the BE your FASTest Virtual 5K! 

That's right it's virtual!
Which means you can race with us starting NOV 25th 2019 thru APR 5th 2020 from anywhere your little heart desires!


This is how it works:


  • Black Friday Deal 11/25/19 Thru 12/2/19 ONLY $10!!!!!
  • Race entry fee 12/3/19 thru 1/15/20- $15
  • Race entry fee 1/16/20 thru 3/31/20- $20
  • Race entry fee 4/1/20 thru 4/5/20- $25

→  Run or walk a 5K (3.1 miles) distance and be sure to time yourself.

  • BE your FASTest!  Run your 5K anytime between your date of register thru the race close date on April 5th 2020.
  • Yes, you can re-submit your 5k time if you get faster from now until April 5th. Go get that PR!

Send your results to no later than Monday 4/6/20, 11:59 PM.

  • Bonus if you take a pic of your garmin, strava, apple watch etc. displaying your time & distance and send it our way.

Get results!

  • Race standings will be communicated multiple times throughout the 5 month window.
  • Results and winners will be announced no later than Wednesday 4/8/20, 11:59 PM.


If you BE the FASTest overall males and females, you will recieve a VISA® Giftcard! 

In order to be considered for an award, you MUST send a pic of your timing device with your 5K time to no later than 4/6/20. We know this is kind of a pain in the rear HOWEVER these results are based on the honor system so we hope this level of verification gives everyone peace of mind. We appreciate your understanding.

1st Place- $50
2nd Place- $25
3rd Place- $10


Proceeds from this virtual 5k will benefit Tedy's Team, a non-profit organization that raises awareness towards signs and symptoms of stroke.

B.E. F.A.S.T. is an acronym to help us remember the telling signs of a stroke:

                                                                        B- Balance: loss of balance, dizziness, headaches

                                                                        E- Eyes: blurred, double vision

                                                                        F- Face: one side of face is drooped

                                                                        A- Arm: arm or leg weakness

                                                                        S- Speech: slurred, can't get words out

                                                                        T- Time to act! Call 911, immediately 


To learn more about Tedy's Team visit their website at



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Website

Additional race information can be found at

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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