Newburyport YWCA
Newburyport, MA US 01950
Join Coaches Anne Torrez & Amanda Smith for a pool swim clinic to work on your open water skills! In the Northeast, it can be tough to make the transition from swimming in a pool through the winter to our early season open water or multisport events.
If you've done an open water event, you know that it is a much different experience from swimming in the pool. However, remove the lane lines and the pool can be a great place to practice the skills needed to have your most comfortable and efficient swim. This is a great way to brush up your skills, or to practice skills you're nervous about in a more controlled environment.
You might feel confident in the pool or have made great progress in your technique and fitness, but being able to translate that into swimming in a different environment, often in crowded waters, can be stressful and get in the way of a fun experience and your performance goals. In this clinic, we will work on on race skills including "seeding" strategy, managing race anxiety/panic in the water, standing, treading water and deep water dock race starts, surging, passing, cornering buoys, sighting, drafting and swimming in crowded/choppy waters.
The clinic is co-ed and open to the public. SHEcoast members receive a discount on the clinic. Open to beginner and intermediate open water swimmers, or advanced swimmers who would like to refresh their skills swimming in a crowd before heading into open water season. Swimmers should be able to swim in the deep end and be able to swim 25 meters comfortably. More advanced swimmers will be able to practice additional skills and strategies to improve performance in the water.
Price increases on 4/17/23
What to bring:
Showers will be available afterward, so feel free to bring a towel and change of clothes
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.