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You Are Not Alone 5k Run/Walk

Sat November 10, 2018 Annapolis, MD 21401 US Directions


You Are Not Alone 5k Run/Walk

9:00AM EST - 11:00AM EST


Annapolis High School
2700 Riva Road
Annapolis, MD US 21401


Come out and join Annapolis High School as we run or walk for Mental Health Awareness! The inspiration for this run is to raise awareness about mental illnesses and what you can do to help create a caring community. The first 100 people to register will receive a t-shirt. All of the proceeds will be donated to NAMI AAC also known as the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Anne Arundel County. This organization is built on spreading the message "You are not alone." The idea of the run was sparked by a personal experience in which mental illnesses were involved. I organized this run to inform the community about the importance of mental health and what you can do to help those who struggle. If you have any questions please contact Maddie Roper, the race organizer, at

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