Greenbelt, MD US 20768
Running Start is an 8 week training program for walkers and beginning runners who want to learn to run, build their endurance and complete a 5K (3.1 mile) race. The target graduation race is the PGRC Women’s Distance Festival 5k and Men's 5k hosted by the club on Sunday, August 13, 2017.
Participants: Running Start is open to adults of all ages and abilities. Runners who have completed a race distance longer than 6 miles are encouraged to register for PGRC's fall half marathon training which will run from July 29th to November 18th. Registration for the half marathon training is available on RunSignUp under PGRC - Half Marathon Training.
Program Structure: The training consists of three (3) workouts per week. Participants train as a group with head coaches and pace leaders on Saturday mornings and join standing club runs on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Coaches and/or Pace Leaders will attend the Track workouts and Thursday Club Runs with participants.
- Saturday Morning Runs: begin at 7:30am. Depending on the temperatures, we may change the start time to 7:00am. The Saturday morning run location will alternate between Herbert Wells Ice Arena in College Park and Watkins Regional Park, Watkins Park Drive, Kettering, MD.
- Tuesday Evening Track Workouts: Participants will join club members from 6:45pm to 8:00pm at the University of Maryland, College Park, Kehoe Track.
- Thursday Evening Club Runs: begin at 6:30PM at the Herbert Wells Ice Arena in College Park. Some Thursday Runs will coincide with the Fun Runs sponsored by PGRC in July and August.
Program Requirements: men and women ages 18 and up with the ability to walk and willingness to run.
Membership Status: Active PGRC club membership
Medical Clearance: If you are under medical care, have a medical condition or have not exercised recently, we recommend that you secure a clearance from your doctor before participating in this or any training program.
Required Supplies and Equipment
- Bring one or two bottles of water to every session.
- Proper running shoes.
- Proper sports bras (women).
Suggested Supplies and Equipment
- Watch or stop watch.
- Hat
- Sunscreen
Note: Race registration is not included in program fee.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.