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19th Annual Walk in Westminster Challenge

Sat June 1 - Sun June 30 Westminster, MD 21157 US Directions


Distillery Lane
Westminster, MD US 21157


The Greater Carroll Lions Club's 

   19th Annual  
Walk in Westminster
to benefit

Diabetes Research & Lions Camp Merrick 


This year, we are asking you to join us to keep steps up in two ways:

1) a 5K walk challenge throughout June

2) a 5K walk on May 25th at 10am in Westminster


Participants are asked for a donation of $20 and pledge to walk 5K in June or at the 5K walk.  All participants will receive a T-shirt.


Sign up with Lion Ryan at 443-744-2018 or

by May 1st to ensure a T-shirt.


The Greater Carroll Lions Club is raising money to benefit these main initiatives:


Diabetes Awareness & Research: Lions Clubs International – the world's largest volunteer organization – announced in 2017 it will mobilize its 47,000 service clubs in 200 countries around a new signature cause - the global diabetes epidemic. The organization, founded 103 years ago, unveiled diabetes as a new focus for its 1.4 million members.


Lions Camp Merrick: Located in southern Maryland, Lions Camp Merrick offers non-stop fun for local children who are Deaf, Blind or are Type 1 Diabetic and are between the ages 6-16.   Campers will participate in a “traditional overnight camp” experience supervised by trained and caring counselors.  They also offer Family Diabetic Camp and Sibling Diabetic Camp for type 1 diabetic campers and their family members.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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