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Funky Bow Goes Gold

Sat June 22, 2019 Lyman, ME 04002 US Directions


Gold Star Family

1:00PM EDT - 9:00PM EDT

General Admission

1:00PM EDT - 9:00PM EDT


Join us in honoring Maine's Gold Star Families at the Funky Bow Goes Gold! 

This day will feature live music, beer, food, and celebration.  Tickets are $30, which includes cover charge, pizza, and salad buffet.  A portion of each ticket sale will be donated to the Maine Gold Star Family Memorial.  There will be raffles and a 50/50 drawing, as well.

This event is a fundraiser for "The People's Memorial", the Maine Gold Star Family Memorial.  From the Citizens of the State of Maine, to the Gold Star Families of Maine, this stunning seven-foot-tall black granite monument is in the shape of a pentagon, with each side radiating out to the point of a star, and will be in Augusta, Maine at Capitol Park. 

The purpose of the Gold Star Family Memorial is to honor Gold Star Families from all wars and conflicts, preserve the memory of the fallen, and create a lasting memorial for future Gold Star Families through statewide recognition.


Funky Bow Brewery and Beer Company
21 Ledgewood Lane
Lyman, ME US 04002

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