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Healthy Acadia Tacky Sweater Fun Run

Thu December 31, 2015 Machias, ME 04654 US Directions


Healthy Acadia Tacky Sweater Fun Run

1:00PM EST - 2:30PM EST


116 O'Brien Avenue
Machias, ME US 04654


With the holidays (soon) behind us, it’s time to focus on the run to the New Year — literally! Healthy Acadia and University of Maine at Machias invite you to don your wildest sweater or cardigan for our first annual, “Tacky Sweater” New Year’s Eve Fun Run! 

Dig out your tackiest, wildest, most exciting sweater and join runners and walkers from around Washington County and beyond for the “Tacky Sweater” Fun Run. This non?competitive event is all about having a great time with family and friends, and maybe burning off a few holiday calories! You can run, walk, skip, crawl, even dance to the finish line if you like. Simply register online at Race/ME/Machias/ HATackySweaterFunRun to join in all the fun!

The “Tacky Sweater” Fun Run will begin at 1pm on New Year’s Eve. The approximately 2.3 mile course will lead participants along the streets of downtown Machias and a short stretch of the Sunrise Trail. The race will begin at UMM Fitness Center, where we’ll have huge holiday inflatables, photo stations, and some pretty awesome music to motivate you. The course will lead runners across the UMM campus, past Sennett Hall, down Sennett Hill and across U.S. Route 1. From there, we’ll cross the Machias River via the Bad Little Falls bridge, head up Water Street to West Street, then Down Court Street to Drisko Street. From Drisko, we’ll turn onto Gardner Ave, then Broadway, to the Sunrise Trail, finishing at Station 1898.

After you cross the finish line, join us for the post-run festivities. This holiday Fun Run will have everything your five?year old self would want, with a few perks of adulthood. Every Tacky Sweater participant will receive a knit hat and hot chocolate, and they can enter our tacky sweater contests for a chance to win great prizes. Awards for wildest sweater, wildest hair style (wigs welcome), wildest facial hair (fake or otherwise), and wildest accessories will follow the race. Afterwards, catch up with friends and enjoy dinner at one of Machias’ great restaurants before hitting the streets downtown again for the New Year’s Eve Machias Lobster Drop events: DownEastLobstahDrop/ ?fref=ts.

$20 registration fee per participant. All proceeds from the Tacky Sweater Fun Run will benefit Washington County youth by providing scholarship funding for Healthy Acadia's Downeast Teen Leadership Camp. To register or for more information visit: Race/ME/Machias/ HATackySweaterFunRun


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at



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