Danforth St.
Norway, ME US 04268
Ghouls and Goblins will run amuck on All Hallows Eve. Take heed, for you never know what lurks in the deep of Pennessewassee. All those who dare, beware of the wicked weird and totally freaky you might happen to meet. So run fast but not too far for the end is near— The question here is quite clear….will you find a trick or treat this year?
Join The Progress Center on October 26, 2019 at the Norway Town office for the 5th Annual Wicked Weird Treat Trot by the Lake 5k/10k. This all ages and abilities event is sure to be bigger and better and weirder than the last!
10k male and female winners
- $100 Prizes for race winners
5k male and female winners
- $100 Prizes for race winners
10k male and female in each age divisions:
5k male and female in each age divisions:
Best Costume (group or individual)
- $100 given away in prizes
Registration starts at 8:00, the 10k will kick off at 9:00, 5k will kick off 9:15 and the Wicked Walk will start at 9:25am. Join us after the races for entertainment and prizes for the top 5k/10k racers.
For 39 years, The Progress Center has provided supportive services to adults, children and their families living with disabilities. Today, we serve more than 450 adults and children through a wide variety of residential, community support, and case management services that are carefully individualized to help intellectually and/or developmentally disabled individuals maintain and improve their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being. In addition to developmental services, The Progress Center hosts a robust Community Kitchen program. The Community Kitchen endeavors to change the lives of people facing food insecurity, ensure people recovering from hospitalizations get the nutritious meals they need to heal and making food access barrier free.
As a non-profit organization we rely on our funders, sponsors and supporters to continue our mission which is “to promote independence and freedom of choice for the individuals we serve”. By joining our 5k/10k you are sure to have a wicked good time getting fit and looking fabulous in your Halloween best all the while support a great cause. Visit: to learn more about The Progress Center and how you can help.
* 2018 race was snowed/rained out. Registered runners will be given a 50% off code to enter during registration. The code will be sent to the runner's email addressed used to register in 2018. We send you our thanks for returning in 2019!
Race Contact Info
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Race Participant Survey
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