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Bug Light 5K Run & Walk 2018

Sun October 7, 2018 South Portland, ME 04106 US Directions


Bug Light 5K Run & Walk 2018

9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


55 Bug Light Park
South Portland, ME US 04106


The Bug Light 5K Run & Walk 2018 is a benefit for the South Portland Historical Society and its museum in Bug Light Park. The 5k starts at Bug Light Park, follows a scenic course along the South Portland waterfront, through historic Fort Preble (now home to Southern Maine Community College), and ends back at Bug Light Park. It is a certified 5k course with chip timing, cash prizes for the top two male and female runners, and medals given for top runners by age category. Runners and walkers of all abilities are welcome.  ***FREE REGISTRATION offer* - Although not a requirement, you can choose to help further by creating a fundraising page and share on social media so that friends and family can sponsor your participation. If you raise $100 or more, you may receive a refund of your registration fee. Call Kathy at 767-7299 for more info.***

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Harbor Watch Sponsor

Media Sponsor

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