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Kippie's 5K Walk/Run/Roll

Sat May 18, 2019 Directions



9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT


This year's event will begin by the tennis courts at Westbrook High School, featuring a quieter, flatter route.

Kids Fun Run will be at 8:45 and registration for that will take place on race day.


The Fifth Annual Kippie’s 5K Run/Walk commemorates the life of Kippie Rogers, a long-term Westbrook resident, and provides fundraising support for Casa, Inc., a local, non-profit social service organization. Formed in 1979, Casa employs more than 250 people who work to better the lives of adults and children with mental illness and disabilities in the community. Kippie was a Casa client for 28 years and his family thank and support Casa by organizing this charitable event.

To receive a free Kippie's 5k t-shirt you must sign up by May 3rd!

We will have a packet pick up on May 17, 2019 from 4p-6p at Casa (741 Warren Ave Portland). If you are unable to attend the packet pick up you can also get your bib the morning of the race as well.

There will be cash prizes for the top runners in their age groups.

Age Groups:
Top Overall Male and Female Racers
20 and under Top Male and Female
21-30 Top Male and Female
31-40 Top  Male and Female
41-50 Top Male and Female
51-60 Top  Male and Female
61 and above Top Male and Female.

FREE Kids Fun Run starts at 8:45!



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


This year's event will begin by the tennis courts at Westbrook High School, featuring a quieter, flatter route.

Kids Fun Run will be at 8:45 and registration for that will take place on race day.

MapMyRun Map


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