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Global Running Day Run w/ Running Lab

Wed June 5, 2019 Brighton, MI 48116 US Directions


Global Running Day

6:30PM EDT

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Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


328 W. Main Street
Brighton, MI US 48116


Balloons! Cake! Swag! Refreshments! Prizes! Demo shoes and a little friendly competition! Join Brooks & Running Lab for an Amp vs. Loft scavenger hunt challenge on Global Running Day!

Teams of 2 (bring a friend & a smartphone!) will hit the streets of Brighton on a 45 minute long scavenger hunt. Check in prior to 6:30 at the store to get registered, try on some Brooks demo shoes and learn the rules.

Scavenger hunt starts promptly at 6:30. Scavenger hunt will be point-based. Wear demo shoes, participate in challenges & rack up points for your chance to be the winning team!

Winning team (both members) will win a free pair of Brooks shoes! 2nd place team will win Brooks apparel!


Race Participant Survey

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