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Nathan's Ninjas Family Fun Run 2024

Sun July 21, 2024 Canton, MI 48188 US Directions


1150 S Canton Center Rd
Canton, MI US 48188


Can you believe we are already setting this up again?  Our 9th annual event will be held on Sunday 7/21/24 and we are so excited to have you join us!  Let's make this event even bigger than our last!  Our non-profit is still going strong because of YOUR support and this past year, we've continued with a Canton High School soccer Nathan's Ninjas perseverance award, Salem High School soccer sportsmanship awards, and plan to contribute to Nathan's Michigan Muscular Dystrophy Association summer camp and partner with the Plymouth Michigan Miracle League organization again.  We also completed Nathan's new bathroom remodel with a roll in shower!  Thank you SO much for all that you do to help Nathan and boys like him as well as make an impact on our community - we couldn't be ninjas without YOU! We are making a difference in the fight against Duchenne muscular dystrophy and in the lives of those impacted.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is typically diagnosed between the ages of 2 and 6 and primarily affects boys. In fact, 99 percent of the almost 20,000 new cases each year are boys, meaning 1 boy out of every 3,500 will be diagnosed. Duchenne is a progressive muscle wasting disease so as other boys are getting stronger, Nathan and others like him are getting weaker. 

Other updates on Nathan - he has been adjusting really well to the big 3 high school campus and has been doing great in 9th grade!  He was a HUGE Canton boys' soccer fan and supporter and even announced a game in the fall!  The Canton boys' basketball and girls' soccer teams also enjoyed Nathan cheering in the stands and both have held and are holding fundraising game days.  Also, his brother's advanced marketing class and Salem High School store raised funds for Nathan's Ninjas as well!  Finally, Nathan is also super excited for the potential of a new elevator in our home.  More to come on that!  Thank you for continuing to help him and other boys who face a similar situation - your support means the world to us and our original Ninja - Nathan.

Again, Ninjas will gather at Heritage Park in Canton and also offer a virtual experience for those who'd like to take advantage.  We are so excited for the opportunity to make a difference in the fight against Duchenne muscular dystrophy! Can't wait to see you there!!!

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