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Junior Greater Lansing Cross Country Championship

Mon October 14, 2013 DeWitt, MI 48820 US Directions


Top Seven Girls

4:00PM EDT

Top Seven Boys

4:30PM EDT

Open Meet Girls

5:00PM EDT

Open Meet Boys

5:30PM EDT


The Junior Greater Lansing Cross Country Championship is the premier middle school cross country meet in the Greater Lansing Area. This meet pits 30 plus local middle school teams against each other in one meet. Come watch the future high school stars challenge themselves and their teams in Greater Lansing Championship.

Basic Information

Spectator Admission: FREE

Shirts: Short Sleeve "Neon Orange" $15

Course Info: 2 Miles between DeWitt High School and Middle School

Awards: Immediately following last race


13601 Panther Drive
DeWitt, MI US 48820

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