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Open Chat with DPRD

Mon May 21 - Thu November 15 Detroit, MI 48235 US Directions


18100 Meyers Rd ~ Upper Level
Detroit, MI US 48235


Let's Begin to Talk about Suicide Prevention.

Join Detroit Parks & Recreation Department for a very informative session on How Talk Saves Lives:  An Introduction to Suicide Prevention.

This community-based presentation will cover the general scope of suicide, the research on preventing suicide, and what people can do to fight suicide.  As an attendee you will learn what is suicide, who it affect, the risk and warning signs of suicide, and how together, we can help and what can be done to prevent it.


  • Suicide is a Health Issue
  • In the U.S. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death (2nd leading cause of death ages 10-24)
  • 9 out of 10 people who die by suicide has a mental health condition contributing to their death
  • Mental Health Treatment prevents suicide

Farwell Recreation Center | 2711 E. Outer Drive, Detroit 48234 | (5:30 pm - 6:30 pm) - 3rd Monday
Session 1:May 21
Session 3: July 16
Session 5: September 17
Williams Recreation Center | 8431 Rosa Parks Blvd. Detroit 48206 (6:30 pm - 7:30 pm) - 3rd Thursdays
Session 2: June 21
Session 4: August 16
Session 6: November 15

For more information call (313) 224-1100

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