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19th Annual Healing Hands 5K Run/Walk

Sat May 17, 2014 Flint, MI 48503 US Directions

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Race Website

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1401 E. Court St.
Flint, MI US 48503


Road Race: Organized by Genesee County Medical Society Alliance & Pi Delta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International to benefit the "Genesee County Free Medical Clinic". Held at Mott Community College-Ballenger Field House at 1401 E. Court St. Flint, MI. Parking available at the College. Run starts 9:00am, Walk starts at 9:01. This is a USATF Certified Course. For more information or online registration: . Awards to Overall and Masters, male and female and Top 3 (three) finishers in each age group, in each race. Race scored using B-Tag System & posted race day and online at . There will be Post race refreshments, BP, balance screening, BMI available to racers. Their will also be door prizes, but must be there to win. Brochures are available in Flint at: Bauman's Running Center on Hill Rd, The Complete Runner on Dort Hwy, and Dale's Health Foods on Miller Rd.  


Hotline: 810-210-6492


Post Race refreshments after race, while awaiting race results and awards presentation. BP, balance screens, BMI available to racers. There will also be door prizes, but must be there to win.


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