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MCYF 4-H Fab 5K & FUN in the SUN Kids' RUN

Sat July 30, 2016 Fruitport, MI 49415 US Directions


MCYF 4-H Fab 5K

8:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT

Kids' Run

8:45AM EDT
Open to ages 12 and under.


6621 Heights Ravenna Rd.
Fruitport, MI US 49415


This gorgeous nature trail run takes place at the Muskegon County fairgrounds in Fruitport, Michigan during fair week.  Runners and walkers begin at the Pavilion in the center of the fairgrounds and travel through the beautiful wooded area off the Musketawa Trail.  Enjoy the summer beauty, wild flowers, and perhaps even some wild life.  The Muskegon County Sheriff's Posse will provide direction and route protection throughout the race.  5K participants will finish back on the fairgrounds.

The Kid’s run takes place at the horse track, east of the fairgrounds.  This event is for kids 12 years and younger.  Parents may walk/run with their children.

Race fees:  $25.00 

Family/Group Rate:  $19.00/person for 3 or more at the same address OR place of business. 


Kids' Run is FREE!  (Kids' Run T-shirts are $10.00)

After the completion of both events,  please join us for refreshments and awards at the finish area. 

ALL proceeds benefit the Muskegon County 4-H.  

MIchigan State Extension. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal opportunity employer. Michigan Stae University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status or veteran status. 


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