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2015 Miner's Revenge

Sat July 11, 2015 Greenland, MI 49929 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


200 Adventure
Greenland, MI US 49929


Race Details

Expert Men 4 laps/24miles

Expert Women: 3 laps/18 miles

Sport Men: 2 laps/12miles

Sport Women: 2 laps/12miles

2 Person Team: 4 laps/24miles; minimum 1 lap per team member, maximum 3 laps

DH race is 2 shuttled runs

Saturday July 12th, 2014; DH race starts at 12pm Noon and goes until all racers have completed two runs. Runs are shuttled and pre-rides will be allowed any time before the race.

Cross country race starts at 5 pm for the long race (expert) and 5:10 pm for the short race (sport). Preride for the XC course will be Friday night and anytime Saturday that doesn’t interfere with the DH race. The underground portion of the course will only be open Friday night, Saturday before 9am and from 3-4:30 pm before the race start.

Adventure Mine - Greenland, MI

What to Expect:

Steep climbs, rolling singletrack, fun descents, and riding with bats. The race takes place at the Adventure Mine in Greenland, MI. Part of the 6 mile lap is through the underground mine. Because of the total darkness a GOOD light is required for the XC race.
Awards will be following the cross country event at 8 pm. Followed by live music, food, and bonfire.

Free on-site camping provided on Friday and Saturday nights. Potable water and port-a-johns on-site in the camping area.

Field limit: Race will be limited to 250 racers!

Note: The length of each lap may change at the organizer's discretion.


$35 preregistration through June 13th or until registration is full (250 racers) $45 until July 2nd and $50 thereafter. All preregistered racers by July 2nd are guaranteed a race shirt. After July 2nd registration will be $50 and no guaranteed shirt. Downhill registration will be $30 if you only want to race the downhill or an additional $25 if you want to race the XC and Downhill, price increases occur on June 14th and July 3rd.


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