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Run Wild With KLT!

Fri August 7 - Sun August 23 Hancock, MI 49930 US Directions


101 Quincy Street
Suite # 303
Hancock, MI US 49930


Whether you and your family want to come out and explore your local nature areas or you are trying to get your personal best on familiar trails, the virtual race with KLT has something for you!

We are amazed by our resilient community and see that you still want to engage and stay active and healthy during these uncertain times. Therefore, we are putting together a virtual race for our community members.

The virtual race will also raise funds for stewardship activities that benefit the community. We hope to build bridges at the Pilgrim River Community Forest, construct native plant educational gardens at Marsin and on the Abbey Peninsula, and restore native plants on stamp sands at Din Egen woods. These are the projects our AmeriCorps volunteer is raising money for and will be working on this summer.

Here is how it works:

  1. Register
    a. Choose your distance
    b. Choose any additional items (KLT socks, KLT hat, KLT T-shirt, and koozie (comes with a cold beverage of choice at the awards ceremony))
    c. Choose runner packet options (packets will arrive August - by mail or racer pick-up at Boston Pond, Thursday, August 6th, 5-7:30 pm)
    d. Proceed to checkout - additional donations welcomed! Children under 13 participate for free.
  2. Run your race - we encourage you to check out some of our local favorites - which we will include in the racer information packet - but since this is a virtual race it can be run anywhere.
    a. Run anytime (daylight hours) between given dates.
    b. Record your race on Strava or other tracking systems via time
    c. Competitive racers submit times.
    d. Take selfies for raffle entries (each selfie generates one raffle ticket for prizes).
    e. Check the schedule for KLT trail angel’s dates and locations (person at a site with water, snacks, first aid kit, cell phone)
  3. Social distance celebration - August 23rd, 2020 @ 6 pm
    a. Cold drinks with koozie and snacks at a raffle at Boston Pond
    b. Medal and award ceremony

We are very excited to try our first annual virtual run and hope you are too! We thank you for your support and want you to get outside!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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