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Gazelle Sports Summer Run Camp- 5k/10k

Sat July 13 - Sat October 5 Holland, MI 49423 US Directions


Summer Run Camp- 5k/10k

8:00AM EDT - 8:00AM EDT


Gazelle Sports
24 W. 8th St
Holland, MI US 49423


Are you ready to tackle your fall event goals for 2019? Join us for Gazelle Sports Summer Run Camp and train for the Fenn Valley Vine Wine'd 5k or 10k!

Here's what you'll get: 

  • Guidance from Lydiard certified coaches (translation: training experts)
  • Highly supported training runs (regular water stops, lots of high fives from team leaders)
  • Custom Goodr sunglasses (fresh sunnies for summer!)
  • All paces represented and supported (there is a pace group for everyone, and accountability from team leaders)
  • Educational clinics (nutrition, Good Form Running, shoe fits, etc...)
  • 10% off personal purchases at Gazelle Sports (Gear. All the gear.)

    *Note: Gazelle Sports Summer Run Camp registration is for the training program only. You must register separately for your goal event.

Interested in a fall 8k instead? We can make that work too!

Since Fenn Valley Vine Wine'd is a trail event, run campers will be spending some training time running on trails.

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