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Save the Wildlife 5K Run/Walk & Little Critter Run - Saturday, September 15, 2018

Sat September 15, 2018 Howell, MI 48843 US Directions

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1005 Triangle Lake Road
Howell, MI US 48843


Join us for the "Save the Wildlife" 5K Run/Walk & Little Critter Run to benefit wildlife rehabilitation and education programs at the Howell Nature Center.  For 50 years, the Howell Nature Center has provided a comprehensive education, recreation, and wildlife facility to individuals and groups from all over the Midwest. Situated on 270 acres between Howell and Pinckney, offerings include retreat and meeting facilities, summer camps, Christian camps, wildlife rehabilitation and education programs, a nature zoo, team building, high-adventure challenge programs, Heifer Global Village, overnight group accommodations, and special events. The Howell Nature Center is a non-profit organization funded primarily through programs, private donations, and special events.


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