Lee Honors College
Kalamazoo, MI US 49008
Location Information
Western Michigan University, Lee Honors College, Kalamazoo, MI 49008
About This Event
The mission of the Carl and Winifred Lee Honors College is to provide an exceptional undergraduate experience for high achieving students, to inspire in our graduates a thirst for the lifelong pursuit of creative inquiry and discovery, to provide our students with the skill and passion to address critical challenges, and to foster personal responsibility informed by a global perspective. Honors students are actively engaged in community service, complete an honors thesis based on independent research or creative activities and are strongly encouraged to participate in study abroad or our Study in the States program.
Proceeds from the Scholar Scare 5K will be used to provide scholarships for students to defray the costs of study abroad and Study in the States experiences.(
Event Information
The Scholar Scare is a 5K Run/Walk. Both the start and finish will be at the Lee Honors College. Race Times:
** 1K Fun Run 5:30 pm
** 5K Run/Walk 6:00 pm
1K Fun Run
Free Event for any child under the age of 10. No Registration fee. Show up the day of the event for the 5:30 pm 1K fun run. Kids participating will receive an award at the finish line upon completion of the fun run.
Registration Information
Pre-Registration Deadline: October 25, 2016 - Online closes at (11:59 pm)
WMU Students ($10.00) registration fee.
Public ($20.00) registration fee.
A reduction of $2 per registration will be made for members of the Kalamazoo Area Runners.
Same Day Registration
Same Day Registration: October 27, 2016 (4:00 pm to 5:45 pm)
WMU Students ($15.00) Registration fee on race day.
Public ($25.00) Registration fee on race day.
A reduction of $2 per registration will be made for members of the Kalamazoo Area Runners.
Awards: Overall Male, Overall Female, Overall Male Masters, Overall Female Masters, Medals for all kids completing the 1K Fun Run
Costume Awards: Best Male Adult Costume, Best Female Adult Costume, Best Children’s Costume, Best Group Costume.
Age Categories
Awards to the Top 3 Male and Female in the following categories: 12 and under, 13-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and older.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
The 2016 Scholar Scare has been cancelled do to unforeseeable circumstances. Sincerest apologies from the Lee Honors College staff and students.
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Race Participant Survey
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