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Sat July 13 - Sun July 14 Oxford, MI 48371 US Directions

Reunion Website

Additional reunion information can be found at


925 N Lapeer Rd
Oxford, MI US 48371


Wahooooo! Looking forward to seeing you at our 20 Year Class Reunion! We will be celebrating at LEGACY925 Social Bar in Oxford, MI. Tickets include: slider bar + sides, two drinks, a DJ and a slo-mo photobooth keepsake! Deadline for purchasing tickets is: Saturday, June 22, 2019 @9pm!

IMPORTANT: Ladies, please include your maiden names (hyphen it with your married name, for example: Karen Gattuccio-Gosling) so that we will be able to easily locate your name when checking in @ the venue. Thank you!

We can't wait to party like it's 1999 with you all!


Karen, Leah, Garrett and Eddie


***Please note: tickets are final sale/no refunds*** 

Reunion Contact Info

If you have any questions about this reunion, please contact the reunion director at



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