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Big Bird Run

Sun November 8, 2020 Roseville, MI 48066 US Directions


Big Bird Run 10K

10:20AM EST

Big Bird Run 4K

10:15PM EST

Big Bird Run 1 Mile

10:00AM EST

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18185 Sycamore
Roseville, MI US 48066


the 42nd Annual Big Bird Run, a 10K, 4K, & 1Mile Fun Run on Sunday, November 8, 2020. Early-Bird registration is until Oct. 2, so act fast to register for ony $20! After the Early-Bird registrations the entry fees are $25 by Nov. 5 or $30 on race day.

On race day, check-in is at 8:15 a.m., the run begins at 10:00 a.m. at the Recreation Authority Center, 18185 Sycamore Street in Roseville. Registration includes age division awards (donated by Petitpren Distributors, Inc.), raffle prizes and refreshments. Register online at or at or to download a registration form please visit or call (586) 445 5480 from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Proceeds from the Big Bird Run are given to the local community service organizations that assist local families and students in need. The organizations that provide volunteers for the run include: Roseville Kiwanis Club, Roseville Optimist Club, A.S.P.I.R.E., Lions Club, the East Detroit High School and Roseville High School Band Boosters and the Roseville Goodfellows.


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