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Central Montcalm Glow Run/Walk

Fri September 18, 2015 Stanton, MI 48888 US


Central Montcalm Glow Run/Walk

10:00PM EDT
Open to ages 5 - 100.


Central Montcalm Public School
1480 S Sheridan Rd
Stanton, MI US 48888


Date: Friday, September 18, 2015

Start Time: Approximately 10:00 PM (following the CMHS Homecoming Football Game)

Distance: 5K Run — 1 Mile Walk Course Location: Central Montcalm Public School Grounds

Pre-Registration Fee (Pre-Registration: August 11 - September 11, 2015):  $20—Runners and Walkers  $10—Runners and Walkers 5-10 years old  **Note: T-Shirts are not guaranteed for registrations postmarked after September 11, 2015.

Late Registration Fee (Late Registration: September 12-17, 2015):  $25—Runners and Walkers  $15—Runners and Walkers 5-10 years old

Join Central Montcalm in lighting up the night with miles of glowing fun! Look out for a glowing course and runners and walkers in glowing gear. Wear your glow and reflective apparel, and get your glow on after the 2015-2016 CMHS Homecoming Football Game!

This is a community fun run and is not timed. There will be a time clock at the end of the run/walk for you to track your own time.  

Pre-Registered Participants will receive a t-shirt, glow stick, and much more! To receive a t-shirt, please register during the Pre-Registration Period (August 11-September 11, 2015).

Runners and Walkers can register by submitting the registration form and fee to the Central Montcalm High School Office or by registering online (Please note there is a processing fee added by when registering online.)

All proceeds and donations will support the Central Montcalm High School Yearbook program.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Race Participant Survey

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