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run Frosty run Prediction 5K Run/Walk & 10K Run

Sat January 2, 2016 Watervliet, MI 49098 US Directions


5K Run

10:00AM EST

5K Walk

10:00AM EST

10K Run

10:00AM EST

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Race Website

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287 Baldwin
Watervliet, MI US 49098


Predict-A-Time: Predict –A – What??? As we’ve seen in previous years of running this race you never can be sure what kind of weather you’ll get. We’ve had snow up to the knee. We’ve had ice skating. We’ve even had 60+ degrees and sunny.

For the 3rd year we’re doing away with age groups. Like the best weather-person who predicts the most accurate forecast, the female and male runners and walkers who predict their most accurate finish will carry home the big prizes and bragging rights!

There’s a catch….NO WATCHES OR TIMING APPS ALLOWED!!! The first 150 people to register get a Frosty chili mug and all are entered to win our other fun award categories.

This race is about having a good time… good = fun…how fast you run is totally up to you.

AWARDS: Closest Predicted Time: 5K, 10K, Walk - Men & Women
(You will provide your predicted finish time at check-in on the day of the event.)


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