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The Darkest Night of Your Life 4K

Sat September 23, 2017 Coon Rapids, MN 55448 US Directions


8 p.m. Wave

8:00PM CDT - 8:45PM CDT

8:30 p.m. Wave

8:30PM CDT - 9:15PM CDT

9 p.m. Wave

9:00PM CDT - 9:45PM CDT

9:30 p.m. Wave

9:30PM CDT - 10:15PM CDT


12800 Bunker Prairie Road Northwest
Coon Rapids, MN US 55448

Event Website

Additional event information can be found at


*If you still need to register for The Darkest Night of Your Life 4K registration please do so here. This change has been made for easy packet pick-up and on-site registration. If you have already registered, you are good to go!*

On any given night, there are more than 6,000 homeless youth in the State of Minnesota and many of them are right here in the north metro suburbs. When the darkness of night sets in, the young people are staying in shelters, couch-hopping or sleeping on the streets. HOPE 4 Youth, a nonprofit that provides pathways to end youth homelessness in the north metro Twin Cities, is raising money and awareness of the plight of homeless young people by bringing the community together for the second annual “The Darkest Night of Your Life 4K.”

Participants will experience many of the same things as homeless young people – darkness, loneliness, cold and quiet – while they run/walk the 4K “4” homeless youth, as well as raise funds for HOPE Place, HOPE 4 Youth’s new transitional housing program. HOPE Place is one of our long-term solutions to ending youth homelessness and we need your help to keep the doors open so that the homeless young people who call HOPE Place home can learn the skills necessary to become independent, self-sustaining adults.

What • 4K Run/Walk
When • Saturday, September 23, 2017; 4K waves at 8 p.m., 8:30 p.m., 9 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Early packet pick-up will be Friday, September 22, 2017 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. (receive a coupon for Kendall's) or Saturday, September 23, 2017, beginning at 6 p.m.
Where • Bunker Hills Golf Club, 12800 Bunker Prairie Road NW, Coon Rapids, MN
Cost • Early registration fee $30 (includes shirt). On-site registration fee $40 ( shirt not guaranteed).
Discounts • Student (Ages 18 and Under) fee $25. Family (2 Adults and 2 Children Ages 18 and Under) fee $25 per family member.

*The first 1,000 participants to register will receive a swag bag provided by Target which includes a water bottle, shoelaces, energy bar, lip balm, lotion, travel pillow, sweat bands and more.*

Please note that this race will not be timed, so bring your watch if you’d like to know your time.

Fundraise! Fundraise! Fundraise! Our goal is to raise $50,000 from all of you fundraising within your networks. Incentive prizes will be awarded for reaching different fundraising levels. A fundraising page will automatically be created during registration and then you'll be able to begin fundraising. 

Event Contact Info

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