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Jasper Quartzsiter 0.5k

Sat July 15, 2023 Jasper, MN 56144 US Directions


Quartzsiter 0.5k Donut Dash

1:30PM CDT - 3:00PM CDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


The old Jasper High School
100 Hill Ave N
Jasper, MN US 56144


Join the fun without the "run"... Join the Quartzsiters in Jasper for the 6th yet first of its kind of "race" in this area- celebrating the underachiever.
Help us raise money to continue restoring the historic Jasper High School, which is newly listed on the National Register of Historic Places. (It just happens to be the Quartziter Days festival this weekend as well, so come for the walking taco lunch, the vendor fair and inflatables for kids, or stay later for the parade and street dance!)

If you like to support a good cause and have fun, but just can't bother to use anything but the most MINIMAL effort, then THIS is the Run ... um, Walk of your dreams! Sign in starts at 1:30 with the "race" starting at 2:00!

Grab yourself a tasty beverage, (soda or water all provided) and view the sights as you stroll leisurely along this 500 meter course-  the quaint neighborhood homes, the giant beige water tower- and marvel at the majestic hand-cut rose quartzite stones that make up the old building you're circling. (never mind running, can you IMAGINE the effort to cut those rocks and hoist them up and stack them? Gee, i need a nap just thinking about it...)
The course will circle the historic Jasper High School on the corner of east Main Street and Hill Ave in Jasper, MN. 
The registration table and starting/finish line will be located near the main front doors of the school on the front (west) lawn., and follow the sidewalk down to the street.
Cones and chalk markings will direct you along the route, so DON'T RUSH, saunter saucily or lollygag as you like, and just follow the person in front of you if you think you'll get lost. The route will follow the streets around the school, making a circle, passing the carb-loading, energy-boosting tent (read:donuts and coffee/smoke break- YAY!), because running is hard, yo- and finally, return to the front entrance of the school, where you can make a victorious finish line crossing, and take your place on the podium to celebrate your accomplishment with the most minimal of efforts! Then head to the beverage tent to cool down with root beer or water to toast your amazing achievement. Beer will also be provided for those 21+

This event is sanctioned by RUNNERs Anonymous- "Runners" Using Nearly No Effort in Races
and LACES- Lazy Athletes Conserving Energy in Sports

Join the Facebook Group for the fastest updates to the event. We will be releasing more details as we get closer. We promise it will be fun like you've never had, with less work than you've ever had to do!

Goodies and Participant Swag Bags

Carb loading/energy station with donuts and coffee halfway around for "runners" needing a pick-me-up.  (Also designated smoking area for those "runners" in need of a puff part-way thru)
Finish line photo selfie station with props for your amusement! Hop on the podium and commemorate your victorious finish!
Don't forget to take lots of photos! 
Yard games on the front lawn for your entertainment both after registration waiting for the start of the race, and afterwards while you "cool down" and socialize prior to the Historical Society lunch that will be held at Memorial Hall.

We need you! There is a link at the top of the website for volunteer information and registration.
Ages 14 and up can sign up to help! Sign up station, handing out swag, handing out donuts and coffee, etc.

Please join us in making this fun and crazy event a success and help us raise money for roof repairs, plumbing work and grant writing, to preserve our beautiful quartzite building so we can achieve our goal of renovating it for the future use of the community! 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Get a Refund By Referring Friends

Refer 3 or more participants and get a refund of up to $15.00 on your registration fee! 



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